Looking to build your own weather balloon kit to send to space?

We are in the process of revamping kits we may sell. At this time we are not selling anything. We are happy to help you out get in touch!

Thank you, and best of luck with your weather balloon projects!

Our goal is to help you get to the stratosphere and inspire more people to get involved in STEM education.

Free Near space Tools and resources

From our pre- and post-flight planning tools, Parachute and Balloon size estimators, to our All-in-One near-space instruction manual and user guide, we aim to lower the barrier to achieving spaceflight and to enable anyone with any background to send their payload to near-space.

consulting services

If you would like to send something to near-space and need advice, flight planning services, or are perhaps just looking to contract someone to do it for  you, we are eager and excited to work with you to accomplish your goals.